~ July 15th 2021 ~
As per the NSW government announcements released on the 14th of July, lockdown has now been extended to the 30th July. The lockdown has been incalculable and there is a high chance considering the current circumstances it will be be extended even furtther, so we have no choice but to cancel all Term 3 classes.
Don't be alarmed we will keep classes very similar in time slots for term 4, but SOME routines will be different as Term 4 is Halloween Theme 🎃 think a fresh start is in order.
When we receive government notice with a firm date to reopen our studio, we will be releasing Term 4 Timetable. This will be made available on our website ready to book through our Bookeo system for the 10-week term you will be notified first.
We will make the Term 4 Timetable available to you on our Facebook, Wix App, WhatsApp Group and all social media platforms so be swift to book when alerted.
All term 3 students will receive a credit back on their
Student bookeo account to use within a 6-month period.
At Pole Perfect we always provide a quality service and maintain a fair policy with a professional manner towards all our customers. We endeavour to apply your class credit to your associatied student account within 2-5 days , but if not visible please be patient as we are working on it . If you have any questions or concerns please email us at - admin@poleperfect.com.au.
Please join the Student WhatsApp Group or Wix App or alternatively 'like' the Pole Dance Perfect Studio Facebook page as that is where we post current pdates . Click the links below to join:
WhatsApp - https://chat.whatsapp.com/FS0CNU2KXwwGxRSvRixNw0
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/poleperfectdancestudios/
Wix App - Invite Code RPZN3B
This unpredictable pandemic has deeply affected many local businesses owners please be aware we are all doing our best in a bad situation. Your support and understanding eases the burden and anxiety as it's really tough for us right now. Especially taking a second hit of Covid -19 closure, however onward and upwards we go, we all sincerely appreciate your ongoing business support to our local community business owners. #unitedwestand
We sincerely appreciate your patience in this NSW Pandemic and look forward to seeing your beautiful smiling faces and dancing our hearts out together very soon.
Love you girls x x
Kind regards,
Pole Perfect Dance Studio
Scarlet Papalia
PH : 0410 796 936
Located at :
Unit 1 /21 Grahams Hill Road Narellan NSW 2567

Dying to come back to pole