Want to first say I am super proud of you all as you learnt the routine in just 5 weeks, considering we usually have 10 weeks to learn it. I know it was extremely challenging and some struggled but most in the end achieved it and learnt the skills required.
So clap yourself on the back my superstar students never been so impressed with my students.
Show Night Term 5 is as follows :
Monday Classes - 21st dec + Show is at 7.30pm please turn up 45 mins early so we can warn you up.
Tuesday Classes - 22nd Dec + Show is at 7.45pm please turn up 7.30pm mins so we can warn you up.
Wednesday & Thursday Classes - 23rd Dec + Show is at 7.30pm turn up 6.30pm so we can warm you up.
Yes you are allowed to invite guest to watch you dance there will be lighting and video being taken that will appear on our website you can download from your dance.
Pure Pole Classes run as normal see following blogs in closure of studio for holidays so as we mentioned before to do you Catch out classes this week as term ends AND all classes much be caught up point there term enrolled in.
See you all soon message me for catch up classes if needed 0410 796 936
Love and Light
Scarlet ( Rachel )